For Chitwan

From Kathmandu
Departure Time : 7 am
Reporting Time : 6:30 am
Place : Kantipath (Tourist Bus Stand)

Cost per Person : US $ 7.00

From Chitwan

For Kathmandu
Departure Time :9:30 am
Reporting Time : 9:00am
Place : Sauraha Tourist Bus Park

Cost per Person : US $ 7.00

For Pokhara

From Kathmandu
Departure Time : 7 am
Reporting Time : 6:30 am
Place : Kantipath (Tourist Bus Stand)

Cost per Person : US $ 8.00

From Pokhara

For Kathmandu
Departure Time : 7:30 am
Reporting Time : 7:00 am
Place :Tourist Bus Station Lakeside Pokhara

Cost per Person :US $ 8.00
Please make online enquiry 24 hour before time of departure once we received your booking we'll contact you to conform you're booking. Seat and bus number will be provided at the time of ticket collection.

Name *
Passport no.
Email *
Phone *

+Country code-Area Code-PhoneNo

Trip One way Round
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Departure Date
Adult:  Children: 
Permanent Address
Temporary Address
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